[PDF] 16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test


16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test : WBBPE has recently published 16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment interview notification. According to notice WBBPE said-“In continuation to our earlier notification vide memo no. 1573/WBBPE/2022 dated 29.09.2022, it is hereby notified for information to all concerned that the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, being the examining/recommending body for recruitment of primary school teachers in West Bengal, is going to conduct SIXTEENTH PHASE of interview/viva-voce and aptitude test centrally under its direct supervision and monitoring for candidates in terms of Rule 8 (3) (Table – A) Sl. Nos. (v), (vi) and (vii) of the West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2016 as amended up to date [hereafter the Recruitment Rules].

16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test

WBBPE also published in this notice ,that “With reference to our earlier notifications vide No. 654/WBBPE/2022 dt. 20.03.2023, the reserved category candidates who have obtained 82 marks in TET-2014 and declared as TET-2014 qualified in compliance with the Order of the Hon’ble High Court, and have submitted online application to participate in the recruitment process-2022, and as per notification vide No. 914/WBBPE/2023 dt. 24.04.2023 the candidates having B.Ed. (Special Education) as training qualification and have submitted online application to participate in the recruitment process-2022, are requested to appear before the interview board on 26.05.2023 along with the original as well as self-attested photocopies of the documents listed below:”

16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test

  • 1) Admit Card of the TET
  • 2) Downloaded Document of TET-qualification
  • 3) Admit Card of Madhyamik Pariksha/Certificate thereof as proof of age.
  • 4) Mark sheet and Certificate of Madhyamik or its equivalent examination issued by Board /Council.
  • 5) Mark sheet and Certificate of Higher Secondary or its equivalent examination issued by Board /Council.
  • 6) Mark sheet and Certificate of Two Year D. El. Ed./D.Ed. (Special Education)/B.Ed. /B.P.Ed. /B.Ed. (Special Education) or its Equivalent Examinations.
  • 7) Mark sheet and Certificate of Graduation (BA/B.Sc./B.Com. etc) issued by University, if applicable.
  • 8) Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B) issued by competent Govt. Authority, if applicable.
  • 9) PH certificate, as per Govt. rules, where applicable.
  • 10) Exempted category-certificate issued by the competent Govt. Authority, if applicable.
  • 11) Ex-Servicemen-Certificate, if applicable. 12) First engagement letter issued by the Competent Govt. Authority as a para-teacher, where applicable.
  • 13) Experience certificate of a para-teacher issued by the D.P.O./S.D.O for counting of services and age- relaxation, where applicable.
  • 14) All relevant testimonials and certificates, relating to co-curricular activities, as per recruitment rules, if any.
  • 15) Voter ID/Aadhar Card.
  • 16) One Passport size photograph, self-attested.

If any candidate is found ineligible in any respect, she/he will not be allowed to appear before the interview board. The call letter for interview can be downloaded using the Primary Teacher Recruitment 2022 portal (https://www.wbbpeonline.com/dashboard). In order to dissipate any confusion/ambiguity, being the examining/recommending body, the Board makes it abundantly clear that the State Wide Merit List, for the 2022 Recruitment process will only be published after assessing/evaluating every benchmark contained in the recruitment rules.

16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test – Notice download link are provide in this article . To get more news about primary tet visit our website.

16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test
16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test
To download this notice Click Here(16th Phase Notice For Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview/viva-voce And Aptitude Test)

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