Holiday List for West Bengal Government Employees in 2024- Next year many holidays are lost, Durga Puja is ‘sad’, but there will be extra happiness, says Nabanna’s list Next year five holidays will fall on Sunday. State government employees will get several additional holidays. That list is not short at all. There are arrangements to forget the sadness of the Durga Puja holiday.
Next year 45 days holiday in the state. Government employees of this state will get sixteen consecutive days off for Puja next year if Saturday-Sunday falls. In other words, Puja holiday will be extended by four days next year. This year it was 12 days. 16 days next year. The 2024 holiday list for state government employees was released by the finance department on Friday. It is seen there, the holiday of Durgo Puja starts from Chaturthi.
That is, from Monday 7 October. Before that on October 5 and 6 Saturday-Sunday. Therefore, the Puja holiday of the workers is starting from the second. The office will open on October 21 after Lakshmi Puja. However, the list has been given leave till October 18.

Holiday List for West Bengal Government Employees in 2024
Birth Day of Swami Vivekananda | 12th January, Friday |
Netaji’s Birth Day | 23rd January, Tuesday |
Republic Day | 26th January, Friday |
Saraswati Puja [Sree Panchami] | 14th February, Wednesday |
Doljatra | 25th March, Monday |
Good Friday | 29th March, Friday |
Eid-Ul-Fitr | 11th April, Thursday |
May Day | 1st May, Wednesday |
Birth Day of Rabindranath Tagore | 8th May, Wednesday |
Buddha Purnima | 23rd May, Thursday |
Id-Ud-Zoha (Bakrid) | 17th June, Monday |
Muharram | 17th July, Wednesday |
Independence Day | 15th August, Thursday |
Birth Day of Gandhiji | 2nd October, Wednesday |
Mahalaya | 2nd October, Wednesday |
Durga Puja, Maha Saptami | 10th October, Thursday |
Durga Puja, Maha Astami and Maha Nabami | 11th October, Friday |
(**) Durga Puja, Dasami | 12th October, Saturday |
Lakshmi Puja | 16th October, Wednesday |
Kali Puja | 31st October, Thursday |
Birth Day of Guru Nanak | 15th November, Friday |
Christmas Day | 25th December, Wednesday |
New Year’s Day | 1st January, Monday |
Day before Saraswati Puja | 13th February, Tuesday |
Shab-e-Barat | 26th February, Monday |
Shivaratri | 8th March, Friday |
Day after Doljatra | 26th March, Tuesday |
(**)Birth Day of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur(Madhu Krishna Troyodashi Tithi) | 6th April, Saturday |
Day before Eid-Ul-Fitr | 10th April, Wednesday |
(**)Birth Day of Poet Bhanu Bhakt for Darjeeling & Kalimpong District only | 13th July, Saturday |
Rakhi Bandhan | 19th August, Monday |
Janmastami | 26th August, Monday |
Fateha-Dwaz-Daham | 16th September, Monday |
Durga Puja, Maha Chaturthi | 7th October, Monday |
Durga Puja, Maha Panchami | 8th October, Tuesday |
Durga Puja, Maha Shashthi | 9th October,Wednesday |
Additional Day for Durga Puja | 14th October, Monday |
Additional Day for Durga Puja | 15th October, Tuesday |
Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja | 17th October, Thursday |
Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja | 18th October, Friday |
Additional Day for Kali Puja | 1st November, Friday |
Day after Bhratridwitiya | 4th November, Monday |
Chhat Puja | 7th November, Thursday |
Additional Day for Chhat Puja | 8th November, Friday |
Karam Puja | To be notified later on |
(**)Birthday of Guru Rabidas(for the followers of | 24th February, Saturday |
Guru Rabidas) | |
(**)Easter Saturday | 30th March (Saturday) [for Christians only] |
Click Here to download “Holiday List for West Bengal Government Employees in 2024”
The workers are getting continuous leave from teaching on Friday, October 18. In other words, although the Puja holiday is officially 12 days, the total number of holidays from Saturday to Sunday is 16 days. Next year, the day after Kalipuja, November 1 will be a holiday. Fraternity fell on Sunday, November 3. The next day is November 4 holiday. Chhat Pujo on November 7. The next day, November 8, will also be a holiday.
According to the list, there will be 22 days of holidays in 2024 under the NI Act. 23 days of state government. That means a total of 45 days off in a year. State government offices, government aided schools, colleges, universities, municipalities, panchayats will grant holidays as per this list. Only in Kolkata the Collector’s office and the Registrar’s office will not have holidays according to this list.
This list also does not apply to offices that provide emergency services. Meanwhile, the leave has mixed reactions among government workers. Firstly, this time the puja has shrunk as Ashtami and Navami are celebrated on the same day. Moreover, Mahalaya has passed the holiday on October 2 as it falls on Gandhi Jayanti. According to calculations, twenty-four five holidays fall on Sunday. Paola Baisakh, Ambedkar’s birthday, Mahavir Jayanti Rath Yatra, Vaiphonta. 3 days have passed on Saturday.
There will be a holiday on February 13, the day before Saraswati Puja. Panchanan Varma’s birthday holiday falls on February 14, Saraswati Puja. February 26 is an all-night holiday. March 8 Shivratri holiday. State government employees will get a holiday on March 26, the day after Dol. Holiday on the occasion of Harichand Tagore’s birthday on April 6.
But that day is Saturday. The day before Eid-ul-Fitr on April 10 will also be a holiday. On the occasion of Kavi Bhanu Bhakta’s birthday, July 13 will be a holiday in Darjeeling, Kalimpong district. Rath Yatra, 19th August Rakhi, 26th August Janmashtami, 16th September is a holiday in Fateh Doaz. Government employees will get additional leave from Chaturthi to Shasthi (October 7-9) and October 14 and 15 after Dasami on the occasion of Durga Puja.
After Lakshmi Puja, they will get two days off on October 17 and 18. Next year, the day after Kalipuja, November 1 will be a holiday. Fraternity fell on Sunday, November 3. The next day, November 4, will be a holiday for state government employees. Chhat Puja will be celebrated on November 7 and the next day on November 8 will also be a holiday.
The office will be closed on the occasion of Karam Puja. The date will be announced later.Apart from this, his devotees will get a holiday on the occasion of Guru Rabidas’ birthday on 24th February. Christians will get a holiday on Easter Saturday, March 30. April 14 New Year, BR Ambedkar Jayanti, April 21 Mahavir Jayanti, July 7 Rath Yatra, November 3 Fraternity falls on Sunday.
Amazing list of holidays for West Bengal Government Employees in 2024! 📅 It’s great to see such a comprehensive coverage of diverse festivals and important dates. 🎉 From Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday to Durga Puja and Kali Puja, this list beautifully encapsulates the rich cultural heritage of West Bengal. 🌟 It’s also thoughtful to include additional days off for major festivals. This will definitely help in planning vacations and celebrating traditions with family! Thanks for sharing. #WestBengalHolidays2024 #CulturalCelebrations 🎊🌈