psc clerkship mains result 2021:- Today is the big day for all wb jobs aspirant candidates. As wbpsc (westbengal public service commission) has finally announce wb psc clerkship main exam result . Candidates can easily check their result thought psc official website.
Here discuss what is next selection process for this psc clerkship recruitment. Candidates can download this result from below download link.
psc clerkship mains result 2021
After this result candidate go through a special computer test .
“The qualified candidates will have to sit for Computer Type Test as per programme to be fixed by Commission in due course. Verification of Documents will be undertaken before the Test in online mode. Qualified candidates will have to upload their documents by accessing the link at between 12:00 noon on 29/09/2021 and 12:00 midnight on 06/10/2021.”