WB ANM GNM Exam 2023 Official Answer key(WB ANM GNM Answer Key 2023)- The Model Answer Keys for WB ANM & GNM exam 2023 was published by WBJEEB. In line with the Section 14.0 (a, b, c) of ANM GNM-2023 Information Bulletin,model answer keys for ANM GNM-2023 have been uploaded. Candidates can log-in and view the model answer keys. If any candidate is not satisfied with the model answer key, he/she can challenge any key by 21-08-2023 (upto 11.59 p.m.) through the user interface provided.
WB ANM GNM Exam 2023 Official Answer key

A candidate can challenge any number of answer keys but in one session. The candidate has to pay a non-refundable processing fee of ₹500 per question challenged through net banking/ debit card/ credit card/UPI only. No challenge will be reviewed if the fee payment is not successful. WBJEEB will review all challenges and take final decisions. The Board’s decision in this regard will be final and no further communication/ request/ appeal will be entertained. Scores and ranks will be calculated based on the final reviewed answer keys.

Click Here for – WB ANM & GNM Exam 2023 Official Answer key,WB ANM GNM Answer Key 2023
WB ANM GNM Answer Key 2023
View OMR images, View responses, Challenge responses All OMR images and machine read responses for the candidates, who appeared in ANM(R) & GNM -2023 are uploaded in the portal. Candidates can login and view their OMR and responses as are captured by machines.
In case of category-I questions (where only one option is correct), the response is shown as A or B or C or D. Unattended questions are marked as “-”. If multiple answers are given, the response is shown as “*”. In case of category-II questions (where one or more options are correct), the response is shown as “A, B, C, D” etc.
If any candidate is not satisfied with the captured response, he/she can claim before 21-08-2023(upto11.59 p. m) for review. The claim is to be lodged in one session. The candidate has to pay a non-refundable processing fee of ₹500 per response to be reviewed through net banking/ debit card/ credit card.
No claim will be reviewed if the fee payment is not successful. Candidate’s question booklet number is also displayed. If any candidate is not satisfied with the displayed information, he/she must inform the same to WBJEEB by email to wbjeeb@gmail.com within the above date and time.
WBJEEB will not entertain any challenge/request for correction after the above date and time. WBJEEB will review all claims and decide on the matter. Scores and ranks will be calculated based on the final reviewed responses. The Board’s decision in this regard will be final and no further communication/ request/ appeal will be entertained.