Very Big News For WB Primary TET Certificate 2022 and Upper Primary Candidates- List of Candidates who are eligible!


WB Primary TET Certificate 2022– Here we share some very big news regarding WB Primary Candidates and WB Upper Primary Candidates . WBBPE has recently published a notification regarding rectified/modified/updated online system for submission of particulars for TET-2014-Pass {WB Primary TET Certificate 2022} Certificate . WBBPE published a latest notification,said,In compliance with the order of the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court passed on 03.02.2022, a notice for submission of particulars of TET-2014-qualified and trained candidates was issued under Memo No. 592/13PE/2022 dtd. 22.04.2022, announcing the launch and availability of the online system for submission of particulars in connection with the issue of TET-2014-pass certificates.

WBBSC has also published a latest notification regarding Uploading of documents in c/w 1st SLST, 2016 (Upper-Primary Level Except Physical Education and Work Education).

WB Primary TET Certificate 2022

In compliance with the order of the Honorable Calcutta High Court, passed on 20.06.2022, the Board has rectified/updated/modified the said online system for submission of particulars. Now, in continuation of our Notifications under Memo No. 592/BPE/2022, dated 22.04.2022 & No. 9051BPE/2022 dated 20.06.2022 and in compliance with the aforementioned solemn orders of the Honorable Calcutta High Court,

it is hereby notified for all concerned that the rectified/modified/updated online system for submission of particulars for TET-2014-Pass  Certificate will be available to the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates on and from  06.08.2022 to 21.08.2022 in the following websites.

Important Point Of WB Primary TET Certificate 2022

The TET qualified candidates who have passed Two Year D.E1.Ed. Course for the session 2019-2021 can also submit their particulars to get TET-Pass Certificates{WB Primary TET Certificate 2022}, after receiving their digital Pass-Mark-sheets, being sent to the concerned institutions.

The candidates who have already submitted {for WB Primary TET Certificate 2022} their applications successfully for TET-Pass Certificate, are requested to submit their particulars Once again.

WB Primary TET Certificate

WB Primary TET Certificate 2022
State West Bengal
Notice SubjectFor WB TET Certificate
Date From 06.08.2022 to 21.08.2022
Download Notice {WB Primary TET Certificate}Click Here
WB Primary TET Certificate 2022

In mean while WBSSC{West Bengal School Service Commission} has also published a important notification regarding upper primary candidates.1100 (1098 + 2) candidates have been allowed {by WBSSC}to upload their documents in compliance with the Hon’ble High court’s order in MAT No 638 of 2021 dated 18.05.2022 and WPA No 23603 of 2018 dated 16.01.2019. The list of 1100 (1098 + 2) candidates is attached separately (which can be viewed after clicking on the link given below link}.

Only these 1100 (1098 + 2) candidates are allowed to upload their pending documents on and from 05.08.2022 to 13.08.2022 (by 11.59 PM) by clicking on the aforementioned link provided below.

State West Bengal
Commission School Service Commission
Notice For Uploading Document {again}
Total Candidates1100
Section Upper Primary
Candidates name list Click Here
Official Website
More News Click Here
Upper primary 1100 candidates name list
WB Primary TET Certificate 2022
Upper primary 1100 candidates name list {file image}

Guidelines for uploading of documents in c/w 1st SLST, 2016 (Upper-Primary Level Except Physical Education and Work Education)

  • First the candidates have to Log-in With TET Roll no. / Application ID, Date of Birth and Security code (Captcha code).
  • In the next page, the candidates can view their previously registered Mobile No. An OTP will be sent to this Mobile No. to verify it.
  • However, in case the concerned candidate intends to change the number of his / her mobile phone, then an undertaking in the following{‘I, UNDERTAKE THAT THE CHANGED MOBILE NUMBER BELONGS TO ME’} manner has to be submitted by the candidate.
  • After that the candidates are directed to the next page where they can upload their Colored Stamp Size Photo and signature, and in the lower part of this page the candidates can upload their necessary and relevant academic documents they had entered initially at the time of online application form.
  • The candidates who do not upload the required Documents within the stipulated time period shall be treated as ABSENT in the verification process.
  • The candidates are to ensure that all the relevant Documents are uploaded in JPEG format. min. size of scanned image should be of resolution 1024 pixel and min. of One(1) MB size.
  • Once the candidates submit all the documents no further change will be entertained.
  • Documents related to any further qualification, after the last date of submission of online application (i.e. 24.10.2016) are not permitted to be entered at the time of this verification process.


When new Application start for WB Primary TET Certificate 2022?

From 06.08.2022 to 21.08.2022 the new Application start for WB Primary TET Certificate.

Who have already applied for WB Primary TET Certificate 2022 can they applied again?

Yes . according to board notice who have already submitted their applications successfully for TET-Pass Certificate, are requested to submit their particulars Once again.

Upper Primary 1100 name list?

From above link you can see or download 1100 candidates name list for document uploading.

When upper primary documents uploading link activate?

Upper-Primary Level (Except Physical Education and Work Education)). Only these 1100 (1098 + 2) candidates are allowed to upload their pending documents on and from 05.08.2022 to 13.08.2022 (by 11.59 PM) by clicking on the aforementioned link.


  1. For upper primary uploading document size mentioned is min 1 MB but while uploading it says max 1 MB. Which is correct??

  2. I am a qualified upper primary candidate(exam of 2016).And my name is also present in the merit list of 1100 candidates. I am an untrained student. (I don’t have a B.ED. degree).I couldn’t upload my documents online on time in the mentioned dates(05.08.2022 to 13.08.2022).Am I eligible to appear at the interview? Please inform me.


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