চতুর্থ ফেজ এর নোটিশ প্রকাশিত হল


Notice for Publishing Merit List in c/w 1st SLST, 2016 (IX-X Level)

This is notified for information of all concerned that aforementioned Counselling of waitlisted candidates in respect of above noted 1st SLST will be held on 04.09.2019 & 05.09.2019 in the above mentioned address.

Schedule of Counselling will be notified in the website of Commission i.e. www.westbengalssc.com
in the evening on 02.09.2019 and details of vacancies will be available on 02.09.2019 in the same website.

Intimation letter for Counselling can be downloaded by the concerned candidates from the website of the Commission i.e. www.westbengalssc.com. by putting their fourteen digit Roll number and date of birth from the evening of 02.09.2019.

N.B. No hard copy of Intimation Letter will be sent.


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