{PDF}Karma Sathi Application Form,Up to Rs. 2 Lakhs Rupees Loan,Very big news


Very big news out today for Karma Sathi Application Form.Here we give link to download Karma Sathi Application Form in English as well as Bengali format.here also give a link to download karma Sathi Prokolpo Gazette notification.

Karma Sathi Application Form(karma Sathi Prokolpo)

What is karma Sathi Prokolpo ?

To facilitate young entrepreneurs of the state in setting up new manufacturing enterprises and small businesses including services and trading.To create gainful self-employment opportunity in both rural and urban areas of the state.To see the Project name and entry details about Karma Sathi Application Click Here


Click below to download karma Sathi Prakolpo Gazette Notification.


Karma Sathi Application Form

Method of Application – The intended entrepreneur shall apply in the prescribed Application Form (Annexure-I) for assistance under the scheme either on-line through the Karma Sathi Portal or through physical application.

The Application Form may be obtained free of cost from the following offices:(a) Office of the Block Development Officer (BDO) in case the applicant resides in the rural areas.(b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) in case the applicant resides in Municipal/Notified areas outside the areas of Kolkata Municipal Corporation.(c) Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in case the applicant resides in KMC area.(d) MSME Facilitation Centre (MFC) of District Industries Centre (DIC) in the district..

To download this Karma Sathi Application Form click below

Karma Sathi Application Form


To Read more news and online application for Karma Sathi Application >> Click Here <<.


karma Sathi Prokolpo ?

To facilitate young entrepreneurs of the state in setting up new manufacturing enterprises and small businesses including services and trading.

karma Sathi Prokolpo loan Amount ?

Up to Rs. 2 Lakhs Rupees Loan.

Age for karma Sathi Prokolpo ?

Any intending or prospective entrepreneur in the age group 18 – 50 years.

Eligibility Criteria for karma Sathi Prokolpo

Any intending or, prospective entrepreneur fulfilling the conditions below can apply. Only one member from a family shall be eligible to apply under this Scheme where “family” means parents and spouse.

Educational Qualification for karma Sathi Prokolpo ?

Minimum Class VIII passed. Preference will be given to intending entrepreneurswho are registered with the Employment Bank.

Application form for karma Sathi Prokolpo ?

For both Bengali and English Form link are given in this article.


  1. Amar Employment Bank A Name achhe ID no EB20131706254943 Name Minarul Islam, ami mach Chas kori pukur achhe lone pabo ki lon ta pele amar valo hoto


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