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Primary HM Recruitment Notice 2023-With reference to the subject mentioned above, All the Sub Inspector of Schools are requested to follow the following instructions regarding preparation of applicant list and HI. vacant school list under his /her circle.
Instruction for Primary HM Recruitment(Primary HM Recruitment Notice 2023)
- List should he prepared as per seniority. (as per there date of joining)
- if Date of Joining is same then the seniority will be accepted as per date of birth.
- The listed teachers should have completed 5 years service as on 01.01.2023.
- Base date in calculation of length of service will be 01.01.2023.
- The empanelled candidates should be qualified with H.S. (xii) with securing 50% Marks or Graduation degree. Relaxation of 5 % Marks will he given as per Govt. rules.
- The demoted Head Teachers, the teachers who received the order of I IT promotion but did not join the post and the teachers who were absent in the earlier counseling for HT promotion may not be included ii) the panel.
- No other instruction should be given to teachers accept this instruction.
- No application is required from an) teachers for the post of H.T.
- Please mention in litigation column specially if any litigation (Court Case Running/Under suspension/Lung absence etc.) against the Teacher.
- No •A’ Category approval Document is needed for the Teacher who has joined as a trained ‘A! category.
- ‘A’ Category approval Document is needed for the teacher who have Completed In-service Training and allowed ‘A* Category benefit by DPSC, they may send Xerox copy of service book relevant page where ‘A’ Category recorded with memo no and date.

Primary HM Recruitment Notice 2023
Please mention professional qualification additionally in educational qualification column.Please mention Basic pay, level and cell of pay additionally in ‘A’ Category benefit availability column.Vacancy school list and teacher list should he prepared Medium wise.
All Sub- Inspector of Schools under the jurisdiction of North 24 Parganas DPSC are hereby instructed to seek application from eligible assistant teachers under his/her circle’s jurisdiction for recruitment of Head Teacher in available vacancy in primary schools within the circle within 02,03,2023 after that no application will be entertained.

আরও পড়ুন- WB Primary Head Master Recruitment 2023- প্রাথমিক স্কুলে হেড মাস্টার প্যানেল কিভাবে তৈরি হয়! কত বেতন বা ইনক্রিমেন্ট দেওয়া হয়?
The total applications received at the circle end along with all supporting documents and a consolidated statement as per below mentioned format must be submitted at DPSC North 24 Parganas within 03.03.2023.The guideline of West Bengal Primary School Teacher Recruitment. Rules 2016 notified vide No190-5E/E1/10M-0612009 (pt.) dated 2nd March, 2016 to be followed in this process.
Name of Teacher (As Per Application) | Present School With Date of Joining | Date of Birth | Date Length of First Joining | Educational qualification | “A”category Benefit availed w,e.f | Whether any litigation or Enquiry / Case Pending | No. Of vacancy of Head Teachers Post | Name of the school where HT post is vacant |
To know more updates about Primary head Teachers Recruitment,please comment your query in the below boxes.
West Bengal primary head teacher salary?
There is no such huge salary hike or increments boost are admissible in Primary HM post writ now in 6th pay commission. Only 400 rupees addition befit will add into salary .
Will WB Primary HT Panel is created on the basic of any exam examination?
No,The HT Panel is created on the basic of seniority in WB primary School.
How much minimum qualifying service is required for WB Primary HT Panel?
minimum 5 years service is required and the calculation date is 01/01/2023.
How to download Primary HM Recruitment Notice 2023?
Form above link you can download Primary HM Recruitment Notice 2023.