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Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key

Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key
Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key

Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key

  1. To address the needs of differently abled learners in inclusive class, which one of the following step
    should teachers adopt?
    Ans. (C) Approach of neutrality to treat all the children in similar manner
  2. Which of the following is NOT a relevant reason for assessing learners before presenting a lesson?
    Ans. (B) To make the learners aware before presenting a lesson
  3. The level of teaching in which the learner can identify the problem, define it and try to solve it by
    using critical and creative abilities, is
    Ans. (B) understanding level of teaching
  4. Which of the following is NOT an essential principle of teaching at primary level?
    Ans. (A) Principle of providing attention for individual difference
  5. There are two tasks in education :
    (I) Personality development
    (II) Habit formation
    There are two stages of education :
    (a) Primary (b) Secondary
    The best combination of the task in education and stage of education might be
    Ans. (D) (I, b); (II, a)
  6. A teacher tells the students “Try to do the task, you will learn”. Here the teacher tries to
    Ans. (C) encourage for achievement motivation
  7. Falling down on a floor, a child started to hit the floor out of anger. What type of thinking is reflected
    here according to the theory of Piaget?
    Ans. (D) Animistic thinking
  8. The first step of memory is
    Ans. (D) Learning
  9. According to Kohlberg, in which stage of moral development does an individual work to please
    his/her family members and neighbours?
    Ans. (C) Good boy/Nice girl stage
  10. Which of the following strategy is NOT pedagogically appropriate for learning in the Constructivist
    Ans. (B) Group collaboration
  11. The cephalocaudal principle of child development refers to the development which proceeds from
    Ans. (A) head to toe
  12. A social science teacher may make linkage geographical concept while teaching history. This kind
    of pedagogical strategy
    Ans. (C) would facilitate learning by promoting interdisciplinary approach
  13. According to Piaget’s view, the child learns that ‘water can be frozen and then thawed to become
    liquid again’ is an example of
    Ans. (A) Seriation ability
  14. The memory responsible for remembering ‘how to do things’, is called
    Ans. (A) Procedural memory
  15. A teacher asks a student to mention different non-conventional uses of tea-cups. This teaching tends
    to develop among the students
    Ans. (B) Creativity
  16. There are some concepts in Pedagogy :
    (I) Objectives (II) Aims (III) Goals
    There are some factors :
    a. Student b. Teacher c. Nation
    Find out the best matching pair from the following pairs :
    Ans. (B) (II, a) and (I, c)
  17. Which one of the following principles is NOT relevant to Child Development?
    Ans. (D) Generality to specificity
  18. A test is administered twice in a definite interval on a group of school students under identical
    environmental conditions. The mean scores of the students remain very close. It is therefore, said,
    the test has
    Ans. (B) reliability
  19. According to Kohlberg, a teacher can inculcate moral values in the classroom by
    Ans. (D) discussing moral issues
  20. When old memories inhibit new learning, then this phenomenon is called
    Ans. (B) Retroactive inhibition
  21. In which step of 5‘E’ model, students conduct activities, predict and form hypothesis?
    Ans. (D) Exploration
  22. Child’s ‘inability to understand a situation from another person’s point of view’ is called
    Ans. (D) Transduction thinking
  23. In the classroom of a primary school, students usually come from different social backgrounds in
    terms of culture, religion, economic status and caste system. What should be the best combination
    of teacher’s task to make the classroom inclusive from these given options?
    (i) To reflect on his/her own stereotypes and beliefs
    (ii) To include and emphasize diversity to children’s experience
    (iii) To create institutional ethos towards equality
    (iv) To instruct children to accommodate the existing standard curriculum ans-D ii),iii)
  24. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the concept of the term ‘Pedagogy’?
    Ans. (B) Padagogy is usually influenced by the dominant culture
  25. While teacher explores learners’ indirect and general experience in concept formation in learning teaching
    process, then which one of the followings will be most acceptable?
    Ans. (A) Exposure ® Perception ® Abstraction ® Generalization
  26. Learning-Teaching becomes more effective, when
    Ans. (C) Teacher encourages students to ask questions and helps them to answer
  27. If a child has a mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years, then IQ of the child will be
    Ans. (D) 125
  28. The personality variable through which people generally feel about themselves is
    Ans. (D) Introvertedness
  29. According to Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence, ‘the capacity to detect and respond
    appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others’ refers to
    Ans. (C) interpersonal intelligence
  30. Which one of the followings is the correct sequence of steps for insightful learning?
    Ans. (A) preparation, incubation, insight, verification
  31. C
  32. D
  33. C
  34. C
  35. A
  36. B
  37. A
  38. B
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. B
  45. B
  46. A
  47. D
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C
  51. A
  52. C
  53. A
  54. D
  55. C
  56. C
  57. B
  58. D
  59. A
  60. Darius took drastic steps to __ the rebellious part of the empire.
    Ans. (D) calm
  61. The people of Delos did not want to _ the conquest of Greece.
    Ans. (C) support
  62. Statement (i) — Persia was autocratic
    Statement (ii) — Athens was democratic
    Choose the right option :
    Ans. (B) Statements (i) and (ii) both are true
  63. The people of Delos ran away because they were
    Ans. (B) wise
  64. ‘Persia was ruled by one man.’ The underlined word in the sentence is an example of
    Ans. (A) Noun
  65. Athens had __ the other Greek city states against the Persians.
    Ans. (C) intervened on behalf of
  66. The word ‘abet’ as used in the passage means—
    Ans. (C) assist
  67. Which of the following options come closest to the meaning of the word ‘Ennobled’ as used in the
    passage is—
    Ans. (D) encouraged
    Read the following passage carefully and answer Question Nos. 69-75,
    It was a cold, wet and windy March evening when Prem came back from the village with his wife and
    first-born child, then just four months old. In those days, they had to walk to the house from the bus stand;
    it was a half-hour walk in the cold rain, and the baby was all wrapped up when they entered the front
    room. Finally, I got a glimpse of him. And he of me, and it was a friendship at first sight. Little Rakesh (as
    he was to be called) grabbed me by my nose and held on. He did not have much of a nose to grab, but he
    had a dimpled chin and I played with it until he smiled.
    The little chap spent a good deal of his time with me during those first two years in Maplewood—learning
    to crawl, to toddle, and then to walk unsteadily about the little sitting room. I would carry him into the
    garden, and later, up the steep gravel path to the main road. Rakesh enjoyed these little excursions, and
    so did I, because in pointing out trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, beetles, grasshoppers, et al, I was giving
    myself a chance to observe them better instead of just taking them for granted.
    In particular, there was a pair of squirrels that lived in the big oak tree outside the cottage. Squirrels
    are rare in Mussoorie though common down the valley. This couple must have come up for the summer.
    They became quite friendly, and although they never got around to taking food from our hands, they were
    soon entering the house quite freely. The sitting room window opened directly onto the oak tree whose
    various denizens—ranging from tag-beetles to small birds and even an acrobatic bat—took to darting in
    and out of the cottage at various times of the day and night. (Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key)
  68. ‘Finally, I got a glimpse of him.’ This is an example of an
    Ans. (A) assertive sentence
  69. ‘Et al’ means :
    Ans. (D) and others
  70. In his excursion little Rakesh was accompanied by
    Ans. (A) the narrator
  71. Little Rakesh was __ when he saw the narrator for the first time in his life.
    Ans. (B) four months old
  72. The synonym of ‘denizen’ is
    Ans. (C) occupants
  73. “I would carry him into the garden, and later, up the steep gravel path to the main road.” This
    sentence is an example of
    Ans. (A) simple past tense
  74. The animal which is rare in the place mentioned in the passage is
    Ans. (C) squirrel
  75. According to NCF (National Curriculum Framework) 2005, multilingualism in a language classroom
    should be seen as
    Ans. (D) a resource in teaching second language.
  76. For teaching a grammar item a teacher begins with examples, and then with the help of examples,
    she/he clarifies the rules. After that she/he asks the students to provide more examples and provide
    clarifications. The teacher here is thus using the
    Ans. (B) Inductive method
  77. Which of the following TLM is most essential for an English teacher to carry to the classroom?
    Ans. (C) Textbook
  78. Which of the following is not a principle for second language teaching?
    Ans. (C) Memorisation of the rules of grammar
  79. Which of the following is the principle of teaching grammar in a second language classroom?
    Ans. (B) Learners should be taught every grammatical aspect thoroughly.
  80. Which of the following is not true for second language learning and acquisition in direct method?
    Ans. (C) We use mother tongue for both.
  81. Sitting arrangement in a diverse second language classroom should be
    Ans. (B) flexible but planned
  82. Immediate correction of errors is encouraged in
    Ans. (A) communicative approach
  83. The meaning of a word in a passage depends only on
    Ans. (B) its context
  84. Basic skills for language learning comprises of
    Ans. (B) listening, speaking, reading, writing
  85. Which one of the given alternatives is not true about language acquisition?
    Ans. (D) Instruction from experts is required.
  86. The purpose of remedial teaching is to
    Ans. (C) teach again the language items not properly learnt
  87. Listening comprehension is a/an
    Ans. (A) passive skill
  88. Which of the following activity is most appropriate in developing language skills?
    Ans. (B) Reading storybooks
  89. What should be emphasised in assessing second language proficiency?
    Ans. (C) Ability to use second language in different contexts
  90. Sum of all the factors of 100 is
    Ans. (D) 217
  91. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of mathematics?
    Ans. (A) Uncertainty in result
  92. In order to teach the concept of ‘addition of fractions’, which one of the following questions a
    teacher should prefer first as an example?
    Ans. (D) 5 . (Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key)
  93. D
  94. C
  95. D
  96. C
  97. A
  98. A
  99. B
  100. C
  101. C
  102. C
  103. A
  104. B
  105. C
  106. C
  107. A
  108. A
  109. C
  110. B
  111. A
  112. A
  113. C
  114. D
  115. D
  116. D
  117. C
  118. D
  119. D
  120. C
  121. B
  122. D
  123. B
  124. B
  125. B
  126. D
  127. C
  128. B
  129. D
  130. A
  131. C
  132. D
  133. D
  134. A
  135. D
  136. C
  137. C
  138. D
  139. B
  140. A
  141. B
  142. B
  143. D
  144. C
  145. B
  146. C
  147. C
  148. C
  149. B
  150. D
Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key
Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key

Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key

Remember we are share this (Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key) information to help the jobs aspirants.This is not any official answer key for TET 2022. WBBPE announce today that they issue official answer key and result very shortly in their portal. For more files (Wb Teacher Eligibility Test 2022 Answer Key ) and PDF Click Here.



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