{Download}Paray Shikshalaya app download in 2022,very big news


Paray Shikshalaya app download- Class are not open for Pr-Primary Class 7 Student . For them School Education Department introduce “Paray Shikshalaya” Scheme. Basically this scheme is made for open air schooling.To read more about Paray Shikshalaya programm Click Here.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the human life confined within four walls for a
prolonged period. The children are worst hit with their schools remained closed and as
a consequence their learning process adversely affected. In such a situation, the
government had made a sincere effort to reach a section of school children through
online classes and other similar methods.

However, such initiatives did not effectively
percolate to the students of primary level. Such long absence from classroom
environment shall definitely have some negative impact in the young minds in terms of
social, cognitive and psychological behavior in the future, if not addressed to.

In the above context, the School Education Department intends to undertake an
initiative to introduce teaching-learning session at community and habitation level for
children from pr-primary to Class VII level. This endeavor is intended to provide these specific age group children a regular learning process and opportunities for interaction with peers and teachers in this interim period and a smooth transition back to when the schools

Paray Shikshalaya app download

Now for tracking of Student a app is launch name “Paray Shikshalaya app”. Though we not know {till now}that this app download is mandatory for all teachers/schools or not.We suggest you not to download. As{till now} clearly no specific guidelines or notices published by Education Derangement Of West Bengal. So you can download the app at your own risk, we are not liable for any kind of losses.


If Govt/Education Derangement Of West Bengal published any kind of notification regarding this “Paray Shikshalaya app download” ,then we provide it to you, Here.

What is uses of this app

According to social media post ,mainly collect data of student present is main priority for application.You need a mobile no to registration for this app.

  • APP Download (Please note Enable GPS Prior to Installation).
  • Downloaded File can be searched using File Manager in your Mobile.
  • Click on the file to install the application. Please enable GPS prior to Installation.
  • After Installation you app will be opened.
  • The First screen will be the Registration , Please note there will be only one user who will input the Reports per Community Center.
  • Also Note Please be careful while Imputing the UDISE Code, wrong UDISE Code will either not successfully register or will land up in another school.
  • After you Receive the OTP (this may take some time) Input the OTP and Press Register.
  • After Registration, The Login Screen will appear, Please note for first time Login you have to click Forget to get OTP in you mobile again, This OTP will be your Password for Login.
  • Enter the Necessary Inputs on the Entry Module and Click Save button to save the data in the server.
  • Note : Only Android version 7 (nougat) and above will be compatible.

Paray Shikshalaya app download

Disclaimer – This “Paray Shikshalaya app download” post is not any official updates.We provide it here as this post is widely circulated in social media.We are not responsible for any kinds of losses are happens due to this app.You can download this app at your own risk.For any kinds of query you can comment us bellow.


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