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WB lakshmi bhandar scheme apply online{lakshmi bhandar scheme pdf}:- West Bengal Government has introduce new scheme called “Lakshmir Bhandar”. From this scheme the female members to all families of the state an assured monthly income to improve their financial condition and promote women empowerment.This scheme will be implemented throughout West Bengal from 16/08/2021.
Scheme Beneficiaries
“Lakshmir Bhandar” assures an income for women in all the rural and urban households in the State, which are enrolled under “Swasthyasathi”. A household in this scheme means a household which is enrolled under “Swasthyasathi”and is also eligible as per eligibility criteria of this scheme.ln every such household, ALL female members will get the benefit, if
- She is a resident of the State
- She is aged between 25 — 60 years.
- She is not a government employee in permanent employment/ retired government employee of Central/ State Government, Statutory Bodies.
- Government undertakings, Panchayats, Municipal Corporations/ Municipalitics.
- Local Birdies. teaching and non teaching employees of Government aided Educational Institutions etc. receiving regular salary/ pension.
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To download Lakshmi bhandar scheme application from click here
Topic | Details |
Scheme Name | Lakshmi bhandar scheme |
Department | Women & Child Development and Social Welfare Department |
State | West Bengal |
Application start from | 16/08/2021 |
Benefit | Women from Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes Households: Rs. 1.000/- per Month , Women from households other than SC/ST households: Rs. 500/- per month. |
Offline or Online | Offline {From Duware Sarkar Camp} |
Main Document | Swasthyasathi Card |
Website | |
Method of applying for the scheme
The Scheme’s application form will be available thee-of-cost at the Duware Sarkar Camps.All eligible applicants cal a Swasthyasathi Household will submit the tilled in, duly signed application Form at the above mentioned Camps.Self-attested copies of the following documents must be submitted along with the application form:-
- Swasthyasathi Card
- AADHAR card
- SC/ST certificate, if applicable
- Bank Account: Self-attested photo-copy of the page of bank book which provides details of the account holder’s name, account no., bank address, IFSC Code and MICR No. The bank account should be a single bank account in name of the eligible adult female members only.
- Color passport size photograph of“ the applicant.
- Set-declaration duly signed by the applicant to the effect.1) that she is a resident of West Bengal, 2)That she does not earn any monthly remuneration/pension from any regular job of State Government, Statutory bodies ,Government Undertakings, Panchayats, Municipal Corporation, Municipalities, Local bodies. government aided Educational Institutions etc. 3)Information furnished by her in the application form are true.
- In case the applicant does not have Swasthyasathi/AADHAR Card. she will be first provisionally registered under “Lakshmir Bhandar” and will he facilitated to get the Swasthyasathi Card and/or AADHAR card and will be subsequently enrolled in “Lakshmir Bhandar” Scheme.
To get more news and updates like this or read more scheme benefit click here
WB lakshmi bhandar scheme apply online{lakshmi bhandar scheme pdf}

How to fill Lakshmi Bhandar Scheme Form <<Click Here>>

Click Above to get details updates about how to fill form for this Lakshmi Bhandar Scheme
YouTube video about Lakshmi Bhandar Scheme
Main document required for Lakhir bhandar prokolpo application?
Accoring to latest updates resident women require Swasthyasathi/AADHAR Card for applying under this scheme.In case the applicant does not have Swasthyasathi/AADHAR Card. she will be first provisionally registered under “Lakshmir Bhandar” and will he facilitated to get the Swasthyasathi Card and/or AADHAR card and will be subsequently enrolled in “Lakshmir Bhandar” Scheme.
What is Lakhir Bhandar Scheme ?
This scheme is mainly launch for Women of West Bengal ,to provide financial benefit as well as promote women empowerment.
Age required for Lakhir Bhandar Scheme ?
The age limit is 25-60 for this Lakhir Bhandar Scheme.
Can many women are eligible for this scheme for application ?
No only one house hold.
How much monthly financial benefit will get from scheme?
Monthly 1000 and 500 as per scheme
How to download Lakhir Bhandar Scheme application form?
From this post or visit to get this Lakhir Bhandar Scheme application form.
I am not a govt.employee and not get any remuneration/ pension from govt. but my father is govt pension holder. My mother’s name is enrolled in swasthyasathi scheme and mine is registered under her name too. I have Aadhaar card and all other documents which is required for lakshmir Bhandar scheme. Then told me I am eligible or not for Lakshmir Bhandar Scheme, please told procedure.
I am Sushrita Ganguly,Lakshmi Vandar ID.No.125515392, fulfilled all the relevant criteria,do not get the 2nd confirmation I.D.No.
how to change bank account number in laxshmir bhandar
আমি 7 /9/21এ লক্ষী ভান্ডারের ফম পূরণ করেছি। কিন্তু কোন SMS পায় নাই।
How to change the bank account number
আমার নাম শম্পা ব্যাধ ডোমজুড় ব্লকের উত্তর ঝাঁপড়দহ রাজাপুর গ্রমের বাসিন্দা।আমি গত 24/08/2021 তারিখে সমস্ত প্রয়োজনীয় নথিপত্র দিয়ে লক্ষী ভান্ডারের ছন্য আবেদন করেছি আমার কাছে Received copy থাকা সত্বেও আমার নাম নথিভুক্ত করা হয়নি।তাই আমি এই প্রকল্পের সুবিধা পাচ্ছিনা। দয়া করে আমার সমস্যার সমাধান করিলে উপকৃত হব। ধন্যবাদন্তে,
শম্পা ব্যাধ।
Laxmi Bhandar rupia nahi milahey mujhe
Laxmibhandar rupia kaha hey mera
Ami 25/08/21 & 19/02/2022 Lakshmi Bhandar form joma korechi duare sarkar camp, ekhono kono SMS pai nai. Ami ki taka pabo na?
My Mobile no. is , *********
Aadhaar No. **********
Saswati Sathi Card No.*****************
Bank Name – Union Bank of India, Gotalahat Branch,
A/C – *****************,
IFSC Core – ************.
Suparna Gayen
Vill.- Kishorepur,
P.O.- Gotalahat Krishnapur,
G.P.- Panchanan,
P.S.- Bishnupur,
Dist.- South 24 Parganas,
Pin – 743503